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 Nikki Reed
Born January 17, 1988, screenwriter/actress Nikki Reed made an impressive Hollywood debut at the age of 14 when she co-starred opposite Oscar-winner Holly_Hunter and fellow newcomer Evan_Rachel_Wood in the award-winning coming-of-age drama Thirteen. Reed co-wrote the script with director Catherine_Hardwicke, who, at one point, had dated Reed's father. Said to be a semi-autobiographical account of her own life, Reed took on the role of Evie Zamora, a highly manipulative high school "It" girl whose lax attitudes toward drug abuse and sex, combined with a reprehensible family life, made for the downfall of good-girl Tracy (Wood). In addition to Thirteen, Reed played a small role in director Kenny_Golde's 2003 crime thriller The_Job with Daryl_Hannah, Dominique_Swain, and Brad_Renfro. Reed teamed with Hardwicke again in 2004 for Lords of Dogstown. Tracie Cooper, All Movie Guide
 Nikki Reed